Monday, February 14, 2011

Afghanistan: Three dead in Kabul 'suicide attack

At least three people have been killed in what police say was a suicide attack in the Afghan capital Kabul.

Reports said the blast occurred near a hotel and shopping centre in the city centre. Officials said the dead included security guards.
Exchanges of gunfire were heard following the explosion.
It is the second attack in less than three weeks in the heavily fortified Afghan capital, after nine died in an attack on a supermarket on 28 January.
The Taliban told the BBC they had carried out that attack.
Monday's attack is thought to have begun when a suicide bomber detonated explosives near the entrance to the shopping precinct.
"We have reports that there was a suicide attack - one person blew himself up - and other insurgents went into the building," Col Baloch Orikhil, the director of criminal investigation for the Kabul police, said according to Associated Press news agency.
Immediately after the blast exchanges of gunfire took place between insurgents and security forces.
The Afghan interior ministry said at least three people had been killed in the attack and others had been injured.
Source: BBC News

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